Homeowners get low-cost, upfront funding for important energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water efficiency improvements that they can easily repay on their property taxes.
Participating contractors gain access to a sophisticated technology platform that works seamlessly with their existing sales process to provide secured and unsecured financing solutions to property owners.
Local governments can offer affordable financing to allow property owners to dramatically reduce energy and water use — and help governments create local jobs and achieve climate action goals.
Renew Financial administers CaliforniaFIRST (California) and RenewPACE (Florida), which provide affordable financing for home upgrades to millions of homeowners in California and Florida. CaliforniaFIRST and RenewPACE have funded millions of dollars worth of projects throughout their respective state and our program is seen as a model for other states that are implementing PACE programs with our assistance.
555 12th St, Suite 1650, Oakland, CA 94607
Monday–Friday: 5am to 7pm PT
Saturday-Sunday: 7am to 3:30pm PT